Dannysoft Tech Solution Services

Software Development Services

  • Android Development

    We build user-friendly applcations that run smoothly on Android compatible devices

  • Web Development

    We build fast, user friendly and fluid websites that can be accessed on computers and mobile devices around the world

  • Windows Desktop Development

    We build user-friendly applcations that run smoothly on windows compatible computers and some selected tablets

  • Data Recovery & Data Storage

    We help recover files that are missing or deleted from storage devices and we also store data safely on our cloud partners for future retrieval

  • Android & iOS flashing

    We flash firmwares on almost every Android & iOS and on some selected older Android devices, we can flash latest Androids on them

  • Diagnosing and repairing faulty Laptops and Desktops

    We diagnose and fix a wide range of laptops and computers

Software & Desktop Services